Philosophy of the XIIIBY

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The XIIIBY detests guilds that attempt to portray themselves as democratic, when in fact they simply use the illusion of liberty and democracy to hide their true oligarchic system. The XIIIBY makes no claim to democracy. It is able to recognize that as liberty must exist in moderation, so must democracy, and that all systems of organization need structure and class in order to survive.


The XIIIBY does not subject itself to the reason of others. Human reason is flawed, and so the XIIIBY does not trust it. Human reason erected the cross at calvary, human reason held the cup of hemlock. It was human reason that signed the Magna Carta, and it will be human reason that inevitably destroys us all.


Code of Honor:

"I will be true to myself, to my friends, and to my God. I will fight for the principles and beliefs of the XIIIBY, and defend it and its allies with honor. I will play fair, respect my opponents, and always play to the best of my abilities. I will respect those who have been around longer then I, and be kind to those who have not. I will participate in guild matters and discussions, and always support the final decisions entirely, regardless of my personal feelings."


Guild Tag:

.format ~B~E~yXIIIBY~g



Guild Decision Making:

With regard to decisions concerning the XIIIBY, all members will be expected to provide their input and opinions as to the matter at hand. This input will then be analyzed and weighed accordingly, and a final decision will be arrived upon. In the case of an unresolved matter, in which no decision can be arrived upon, the XIIIBY members will be given one week to come to a consensus on the matter. If a common consensus cannot be reached, it will be placed upon the shoulders of the eldest active members to make a final decision with respects to the common good of the XIIIBY.