Members of the XIIIBY

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I first started playing Netstorm right after the beta days. Played for about a month and sucked, so I left for 2 and a half years. Started playing again in November 2000 and slowly progressed to the point I'm at now. I never had anyone to teach me the game, so I'm all self taught and damn proud of it!

My favorite tech would have to be either rain or thunder. I like rain, kicks anyone's ass as long as they don't know how to fight it, and absolutely destroys a wind rush. I think that thunder can kill rain on the other hand… and on that note, that wind can kill thunder. But I would have to say that rain has the best overall use and is the easiest to do good with.

As for what I think of the rest of the people on NS, I don't REALLY hate anyone, but there are a few out there I can't say I like too much, won't say names though for my own safety more than anything. >_< I think I can compete with anyone now, maybe not win every game but I can sure as hell put up a fight.




I've been playing about the same amount as Dwin, maybe a bit more or less… who knows. >_< I'm also 100% self taught, and despise all you little pussies who had vets hold you by the hand from day one. I might also add that I can beat just about everyone on NS. (*Note* they can all beat me too ^_^)

My favorite tech is bar tricks. I know those aren't exactly a tech… but who cares. ^_^ Actually my favorite tech is probably thunder, but I use rain most of the time. My favorite units are arc spires, floaters, warks, and bars. (What a combo eh?) >_^

Hmm, my feeling about the rest of NS. You all suck because you're not in XIIIBY. ^_^ No… y'er all cooler then me. >_- I know >_< My most admired player on NS is without a doubt Angelique.

PS. I hate whiny wannabe vets *cough* chillfactor *cough* phrozen *cough* ThoN.




I've been on NS for a little over a year, not as long as the others, but I was trained by Dwin so I kick ass >_< I'm not bad for the time I've been playing, beat a lot of good people, lost to some as well, better than most to say the least.

My favorite tech is wind because no matter what the situation, I always rush. This is because I suck ass and Dwin didn't teach me otherwise, oh well, I'll learn >_<

I am the second worst player on NS, Dwia beating me to that title, but I made XIIIBY and you all didn't, so bite me. PS ThoN's dirty, and nobody likes Sonic_Flood.
